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Pure Alien Nine RPG
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Author:  Yuri'sAfraidOfStairs [ Sat Jan 14, 2012 9:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pure Alien Nine RPG

Ami & Chisa, both think, "Did that thing really just say 'Ryouma'!?"

Ami thinks, how did that thing know Ryouma's name? ITS impossible, unless it was informed before hand, and then it just froze now....Why?

Chisa thinking alike, this is suspicious...

Both watched the machine carefully, not allowing such a slip up get passed them.

Author:  Draco Mutation [ Sat Jan 14, 2012 9:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pure Alien Nine RPG

"Um Heu, could you come over here," Arashi said pulling the robot over to him "What are you doing?" Arashi whispered so nobody else could hear.

"Arashi, my son," Heu said quietly, Arashi nodded.

"Ok, look I'll take care of things here, you go take care of what we came here for," Arashi said, Heu nodded and left the room before Arashi turned back to the class "I am sorry class, it seems Heu had a slight...malfunction, so I will be answering questions."

Author:  Yuri'sAfraidOfStairs [ Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pure Alien Nine RPG

Ami watched as Hue left, she wondered just what was going on, but turned to Dr.Arashi again. He didn't seem to be a bad person, especially if he was a friend of her aunty's. Still it bothered her.

Ami raised her hand.

Chisa also wondered some things, but what would Arashi possibly want? and for what reason would he even be plotting anything?

Chisa shook her head, she was making too big a deal of this, maybe it was just a malfunction in the robot's programming. So she watched on.

Author:  Draco Mutation [ Sat Jan 21, 2012 7:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pure Alien Nine RPG

Heu snuck through the halls until it came to the Alien Party room, it looked around until i found a computer.

"This hase to have the infornation, the information that can stop them," Heu muttered, it lifted it's arm which a wire port opened on and connected it to the computer "Download commencing."

Author:  tachi [ Sun Jan 22, 2012 9:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pure Alien Nine RPG

(First day back to school after her vaccation, Amber decides to make a stop into the Alien Party room to see what her assignment is for the the week.)

(Amber enters the room.)

Author:  Draco Mutation [ Sun Jan 22, 2012 10:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pure Alien Nine RPG

Heu looks at Amber in alarm, quickly glances back to the computer that now says "Download Complete" it detaches its port from the computer and runs past Amber; out of the room.

Author:  tachi [ Sun Jan 22, 2012 11:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pure Alien Nine RPG

(Amber is almost knocked over.)

(She regains her balance.)

Amber: What the heck was that about?

(Her Borg grunts.)

(Amber continues into the room.)

Author:  tachi [ Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pure Alien Nine RPG

(Amber is almost knocked over.)

(She regains her balance.)

Amber: What the heck was that about?

(Her Borg grunts.)

(Amber continues into the room.)

(She finishes checking the schedule and heads back to her homeroom. On the way out she notices the computer is on.)

Amber: Huh?

(She starts looking around on it.)

Author:  Draco Mutation [ Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pure Alien Nine RPG

On the computer a file is open, the fire is titled "Top Secret: Project Hybridize", and in it are several file's, one titled "Ryouma" One titled "Ami" one titled "Lost Subjects" one titled "Stargon" and one titled "Project Goal and Disbanding."

Author:  tachi [ Thu Jan 26, 2012 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pure Alien Nine RPG

On the computer a file is open, the fire is titled "Top Secret: Project Hybridize", and in it are several file's, one titled "Ryouma" One titled "Ami" one titled "Lost Subjects" one titled "Stargon" and one titled "Project Goal and Disbanding."

(She has no idea what it's all about, and decides it's better just for her to leave it alone and return to her home classroom.)

Author:  Draco Mutation [ Wed Feb 01, 2012 3:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pure Alien Nine RPG

Back in the classroom Arashi continued to explain robotics.

"And thats also why the robot's I designe will not take peoples jobs, but infact help them with their jobs, so any other questiones?" Arashi asked the class.

Author:  AmazonLeopard [ Sun Aug 16, 2015 1:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pure Alien Nine RPG

"But if the robots are building all the buildings and gathering all the material, what will the people do?" a girl with short blonde hair asked. She had a name tag at her desk that read Naomi.

Author:  Draco Mutation [ Sun Aug 16, 2015 9:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pure Alien Nine RPG

"Excellent question young lady, you see my human emulation type robots don't just mimic human behavior, they form bonds and feel the desire to be with humans and interact with them, so while the robots will increase worker output, humans will still be needed or my machines simply will not function at maximum capacity. Some have called my idea flawed, but I'm sure we'll have it all worked out by the final versions," Arashi explained kindly.

"No flaws in your robots daddy!" Akiho called out happily.

"Settle down in class Akiho," Arashi gently told his daughter.

Author:  AmazonLeopard [ Tue May 24, 2016 7:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pure Alien Nine RPG

"How will the robots help my Dad with his construction job?" Naomi inquired further.

Author:  AmazonLeopard [ Mon Sep 05, 2016 7:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pure Alien Nine RPG

Before they could answer again, Naomi got excited and interrupted, "Well, could you bring a robot to class to show us right now? Please?"

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