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PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 1:27 am 
Alien Catcher
Alien Catcher
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Joined: Mon Dec 06, 2010 10:47 pm
Posts: 62
"Do you know where my Borg is?", Yuri asked. "He's sitting next to you on the dresser next to the bed, she replied. "Do you want me to give him to you?", Kumi offered. "Yes.", Yuri replied. Kumi then put the Borg on Yuri's lap and she placed him on her head. "Yuri! You're okay!" The Borg exclaimed. "I was worried about you there. You didn't look like you had a very good dream.", he said. "It was horrible!", Yuri was almost to tears when she said that. "There was this creature that said that everybody I knew was going to be destroyed! I really don't want to talk about right now.", Yuri said with a stressed voice. Meanwhile, Kumi came back into Yuri's room with two riceballs a cup of green tea. "I know you've been through a lot today, and I bet you haven't eaten all day, so I've given you this.", she said softly. "Thank you!", Yuri said. "I have a question, though," she asked, "what happened to Kasumi and Ms. Hisakawa?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 1:38 am 
Ultimate Symbiote
Ultimate Symbiote

Joined: Thu Mar 11, 2010 11:35 pm
Posts: 2010
Kumi sighed "There still in the school...they couldnt escape, so many students are still being held there, even my Borg," Kumi said sadly.

"Still at the school?" Yuri said as this sunk in "Are they?..." Yuri stuttered.

"No, I think they are still alive," Kumi said "but we cant go now, we need to recover," Kumi said.

"I agree," Yuri's Borg said with a nod of his body, Yuri nodded.

"I geuss your right," Yuri said as she felt sleep comming once more but she sudenly herd a hiss coasing her to look around "What?" Yuri questioned as hissing noises filled the room.

"Oh no," Kumi said in horror as she looked out a window and spotted something "We need to go!" Kumi said as a creature looked in from outside, it looked like a humanoid creature in body shapte, but it was dark and bug-like, it had a long scorpion tail, no eyes and it's head was long and shiny, it opened it's mouth and a smaller mouth shot out as the creature hissed.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 2:24 am 
Alien Catcher
Alien Catcher
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Kumi's Borg instinctively shot its drills out and pierced the creature. The creature only got angrier, smashed the window, and climbed inside. It then knocked Kumi to the ground and tried to attack her with its tail. Yuri's Borg attacked the creature, and it fell over and died. Yuri then broke down and cried. "Where are we going to go next?!", she said between sobs.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 2:33 am 
Ultimate Symbiote
Ultimate Symbiote

Joined: Thu Mar 11, 2010 11:35 pm
Posts: 2010
"I don't know," Kumi sighed as the blood of the creature sizzled on Yuri's Borg's drills "acid blood?" Kumi questioned freaked out.

"Xenomorph, very dangarouse alien," Yuri's Borg said shaking the acid off his drills.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:42 am 
Alien Catcher
Alien Catcher
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"I don't know how they could have found this place.", Kumi said. "Hisakawa never told us about this place until the aliens started attacking. Did you see any aliens in her room?", asked Kumi. "Yes.", Yuri simply replied. "How could these aliens have known about this place", Kumi wondered, "she kept the file that contained the coordinates heavily encrypted." "Yuri, when you were in her room, was the computer she used destroyed or not?", asked Kumi. Yuri simply said "No". "Are these aliens intelligent enough to operate a computer and decrypt a computer file", Yuri asked her Borg. "They are more intelligent than the average Dezmond or Ushigata, but I don't think that they figured it out themselves. Somebody told them where to go.", he replied. "Let's go, Kumi said, "these things know we're here, we need to get as much equipment and food as we can carry and get out of here before more show up." Kumi got out a backpack and handed Yuri an object that somewhat resembled a sniper rifle and a clip of traquiliser darts with red painted on the fins. "By the way do you think you can walk?", asked Kumi. Yuri stood on her legs. She was a bit wobbly, but after a couple of minutes, she was fine. "Why are the fins on these darts painted red and green respectively?", Yuri asked. "Simple", Kumi replied, "Green Loads are your average traquiliser dart, Red Loads contain a poison that will kill the alien in a couple of shots. I don't know how much can take down a Xenomorph because I've never fired one. Anyway, let's get started on loading up the equipment. We need to get out of here." After that, they left the hideout in search of another place to rest and focus on finding Kasumi and Ms. Hisakawa. "By the way," Yuri asked her Borg, "do you have any idea as to who might have sent these aliens?"

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:53 am 
Ultimate Symbiote
Ultimate Symbiote

Joined: Thu Mar 11, 2010 11:35 pm
Posts: 2010
"No Yuri, but I fear we have stepped into something bigger then we know," Yuri's borg said, unone to them they were being watched, in the school a short figure watched them on a crystal ball as Megumi and Kasumi hung from the wall nearby and shadowy creatures marched by.

"You have no idea how right you are little frog creature, soon my Buu will awaken and I will rule!" the figure said as he removed his hood to reveal his large green had and large round eyes "the world will bow to me! Babidi!" the creature called Babidi laughed evilly.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 5:31 am 
Alien Catcher
Alien Catcher
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Meanwhile, Yuri and Kumi were walking on the sidewalk, when Yuri asked "where are the rollerblades, I'm tired of walking. They then sat down on the curb and looked for their skates, when suddenly, they heard a snap of a twig. Yuri tugged on Kumi's sleeve and asked "Kumi, did you hear that?" Suddenly, three aliens walked out of the forest. They resembled Dezmonds, but they were the size of a large dog, and they stared at the two girls. One of them let out a shrill shriek and charged.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 5:43 am 
Ultimate Symbiote
Ultimate Symbiote

Joined: Thu Mar 11, 2010 11:35 pm
Posts: 2010
"Run!" Kumi yelled but there path was blocked by two more creatures that resembled large eyeless dogs Image the new creatures growled as they aproched.

"Vulpimancers!" Yuri's Borg shouted as the new creatures now identified as Vulpimancers along with the large Dezmonds cornared them, meanwhile the creature Babidi Image continued to watch them on his crystel ball and laughed evily.

"Yes my time of triumph is to be soon, now then tell me where Buu's containment ball is!" Babidi yelled turning to Megumi who was suspended from the wall in a strange cacoon.

 Post subject: Re: Multiplayer story
PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:28 am 
Ultimate Symbiote
Ultimate Symbiote

Joined: Thu Mar 11, 2010 11:35 pm
Posts: 2010
Ok, this story is obviosly dead so time for a reboot.

Kasumi woke up in her bead and looked around.

"Another day another...something," Kasumi laughed jumping out of bed and running out of her room to prepare for school, soon she had gotten dressed, eaten breakfast, and had put her borg on and was headed to school "I have a feeling today is going to be a great day!" Kasumi cheered.

"I have a feeling today is going to be a horrible day," Yuri groaned as she got out of bed.

"You say that every day," Her borg stated from her bedside.

"And every day it ends up being correct," Yuri grumbled as she went to get readdy for school.

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