Alien 9 / Alien Nine Forum

Alien Nine funny scenes
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Author:  Draco Mutation [ Wed May 05, 2010 3:45 am ]
Post subject:  Alien Nine funny scenes

Just a fun place, write up a Alien Nine scene that is funny that is all, feel free to use OC,s here gose.

Kumi: Kasumi what did you do with the Borg eggs Megumi wanted us to diliver?
Kasumi: I ate them!
Kumi:...I'm sorry you what?
Kasumi: You herd me! and I have a right to do as I wish and theres nothing you can do to stop me!
Kumi:...(presses a button and Kasumi falls through a hatch in the floor).
Kasumi: Darn you irony!(falls).

Ya, they don't have to make sens.

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