The story is still pretty good, Borg seems to be becoming more of a character in his own right then just a extension of Yuri, I personally think the Borg's should have there own names, but that’s just a personal thing, As for the site, I think the cast page should have bios of the characters instead of just pictures, anyway that's pretty much all I have to say, here are some anime you could use(there just suggestions, I already got Sonic in so I don't care if you use them or not).
Pokemon(Have no idea how that would work)
Keroro Gunso
Kirby Right back at ya(once again no idea how it would work)
Digimon(again, preferably season three/tamers)
Well that's all I got, I would have allot more suggestions if you excepted more then just anime, but it's fine.
Edit: Oh and also, I don't think you should make a new thread for every new chapter.
Well I took your advice and decided to give Borg more speaking lines. I would have done a better 'cast' page with bios, but webs is kind of limited. So I tried to make up for it with picture. I might add some stuff later considering the story will go on even after the first story arc.
Speaking of Pokemon. I plan on using them in the story. I just need to think up the right place, but they'll make an appearance.
And Digimon season 3 is one of my favorites as well. I'll try and come up with something good for them. I might do a team up with a pokemon/digimon trainer.