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Author:  Repo Baxil [ Sat Sep 19, 2009 2:33 am ]
Post subject:  Airplanes

So, as you might have noticed, there are a lot of scenes in the Alien Nine anime that include airplanes in the background. They're really prominent in the shots they're in, too. Obviously, this means something, but I really can't say what. Here are a few snapshots of this from the first episode:



(I think the first two pics are the same plane; the two shots take place one after the other)




(The last one is from the credits sequence)

As you can see, there are a good number of airplanes here, like I earlier mentioned. This is all from the first episode.
Okay, now I'm about to start merely speculating. The planes have significance, no doubt, but I can only guess what that is. So, that's what I'm going to do now.

An airplane looms over you; so does a borg...
Image Image Image

So does... a net? (I doubt this means anything, but hey!)

Also, regarding airplanes, there are scenes in the anime (in Yuri's dreams) when characters take flight and leave Yuri behind:
Image Image Image

On the topic of altitude, there's the cherry blossom petals which fall at certain times (and perpetually all over in the dream sequences), so maybe that descending quality has some relation to other symbols in the show...
...probably not, but maybe. Chances are, I'm over analyzing some things here, but I kinda like thinking too much :sleeping:

Anyway, those airplanes mean something for sure, but the rest is my personal speculation. That being said, I really don't know what the airplanes do mean. Oh well, I guess I need to get used to that, cause we probably never will know for sure what a lot of things in Alien Nine mean, which is just one more reason to love it. Not knowing may be annoying at times, but endearingly so. Oh yeah, sunsets are also focused on in the show. The sky itself is prominent in a lot of shots, but thats common in anime. Sunsets appear a lot though, and always in great detail. Two times, they are directly noted by the characters, first by Kasumi after jumping off the building in pursuit of an alien, and then by Miyu and everyone else at Kasumi's summer home. Keep in mind that the theme of the show seems to be about growing up (just watch the intro with subtitles #o.o# ) A sunset could symbolize the end of another day, meaning that you're a day older...? :o

Feel more than welcome to share any thoughts you might have on this, or other interesting things you've noticed yourself! I'd love to talk about it! :3

EDIT: Im watching Alien Nine right now, and I just realized that at the part where Kumi and Yuri are taking shelter from the rain, and Kumi tells Yuri that everyone is worried about her and everyone cares about her, you can hear an airplane overhead (but not see it). And it's not the bus approaching, trust me- we do hear that shortly after though.

Author:  KumiXyuri [ Mon Sep 21, 2009 4:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

That is true, there is a lot of airplanes in alien 9.
But I never realy saw Alien 9 as haveing a lot of symboism, but that's because I only think about thangs deeply that I make reather then question anime shows I like ^^. I Should try watching it again to see what I come up with.

That was cool to read though.

EDIT: You're right! That is a good sean :D

Author:  Sai [ Tue Nov 24, 2009 1:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nice catch, I never noticed those things before.

Perhaps the sky trails are more alien pods coming down to earth to play havoc with other schools/areas around the country being 'tested' by the alien invaders.

Or its a military thing and some rebel human factions are waging war with some of the aliens using fighter planes (after all it is a bit strange there is no military or anything in Alien 9 trying to take responsibility for fighting off the aliens, unless the borg clan already fused with the leader of the country/military or something).

Or its many passenger planes fleeing the country for less alien-invaded places in a desperate hope to escape their fates.

But yeah nothing is actually confirmed in the series and the background artist could just have an affection for sky trails and planes for all I know.


Author:  Repo Baxil [ Tue Nov 24, 2009 10:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks, maybe so ^^

Author:  burbles [ Sun Dec 26, 2010 11:59 am ]
Post subject: 

I also think that planes may have artistic purpose. They didn't ask director about it? Some of them like drawing clouds just for the sake of it)) Shots look like how I'd stare at the plane flying above leaving trail, on static scenery it gives you something to follow:) That creates a certain feeling... But one doesn't exclude another, there might be other meaning to planes.

Author:  Shiina Tamai [ Mon Jan 03, 2011 7:04 am ]
Post subject: 

To play Devil's Advocate here, who's to say the airplanes have any meaning? After all, they are a very common vehicle in this industrialised world. Sometimes an airplane is just an airplane. If you do want to assign them a meaning, it could be that they symbolise transition, most likely from childhood to adulthood, in keeping with the premise that Alien 9 is a twisted coming of age story.

Author:  burbles [ Mon Jan 03, 2011 10:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Transition.. it may be the feeling <_<

Author:  Repo Baxil [ Wed Jan 05, 2011 7:26 am ]
Post subject: 

To play Devil's Advocate here, who's to say the airplanes have any meaning? After all, they are a very common vehicle in this industrialised world. Sometimes an airplane is just an airplane. If you do want to assign them a meaning, it could be that they symbolise transition, most likely from childhood to adulthood, in keeping with the premise that Alien 9 is a twisted coming of age story.
Perhaps they do not, it is quite plausible that they wouldn'nt have any specific meaning, or perhaps the director just likes shots with airplanes ;) Your theory also sounds quite logical, though - I like it a lot! ^^

Author:  FleetingMischief [ Fri Sep 09, 2011 7:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

My theories:

The first two airplanes are jets surveying the school grounds. It is not just targeted at the main character's school but all the schools in general. They are keeping track of the alien landings and are making reports for the alien party committee.

The two after that are not alien ships, or jets, but alien pods. Which is part of my Interfering Theory. Let's just say that they are aliens and it has to do with the principal's comment at the end of the Alien-9 anime. "Someone is trying to interfere with us..."

[spoiler] I think the last airplane is a commercial airplane. It is a hint of the manga when Kumi, and Kasumi leave Yuri at the end of manga 4. But if this didn't appear near the end of the anime then it is probably just a commercial airplane with no significance.[/spoiler]

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