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PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 2:33 pm 

Joined: Thu May 05, 2005 1:55 am
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Location: Elementary School 9
It's about time we needed a new topic for this one! O-o;;; well, we can pick it up where we were (or aren't)

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 7:11 am 
Fused Hybrid
Fused Hybrid

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How about we start from scratch? ^___^


After all the incidents they went though, the teachers of Whatitsname Elementary School 8 all resigned from their jobs and went for bigger, better and bratless things. Last they heard, the kids formed a gang called Lil' Terror Tykes and blew up the school. Their infamy has given them the rank of poster children for kids whose parents don't do anything to discipline them. Not that our heroes really care.

Years later, despite nobody aging for some reason, the former teachers have managed to do well in the outside world. CCMars decided to act upon her family's tradition of becoming mages and illusionists (You should see the tempest tricks she does!). She also owns a winery on the side.

Our story begins in her lovely one-bedroom apartment with a fantastic view of the city and ports. CCMars had just settled down to eat her breakfast of bacon and egg Hotpockets and cocoa chai tea, when out of the blue Kumi-chan noisily entered her appartment for no apparent reason. She managed to break three picture frames and a coat hanger. A new record.


"My Mom stole my boyfriend!"
"Your boyfriend stole my wife! Let's get back at them by dating each other! Wait a second. Daddy didn't think that one through."

Crystalline Academy -- Personal website.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 9:45 pm 
Fused Hybrid
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*Drops down from doorway*

Hey, Mars, wazzup?! I took the Alien Fighter Mobile Proto X-8000 for a ride! It's awesome! Guess what, down at the remains of the old school I found an alien! It's awesome! See, he's really cute and cuddly and...uh oh...

*fanged spiky monster jumps out* The teacher told me not to take them home, but i didn't care! Teachers don't know anything! Bye! Oh, hi Kumi-chan, glad to bust the door down for you!

*runs off after the alien outside and jumps over cars on the road with net in hand*
*CCMars and Kumi-chan watch out the window and stop talking a moment*

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 8:45 pm 
Fused Hybrid
Fused Hybrid

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CCMars stood there for a little bit, still grumbling about intrusions on her apartment.

"Anyway," she continued. "Kumi-chan, what are you doing here?"

"My Mom stole my boyfriend!"
"Your boyfriend stole my wife! Let's get back at them by dating each other! Wait a second. Daddy didn't think that one through."

Crystalline Academy -- Personal website.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 9:31 pm 
Fused Hybrid
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"Yeah, Kumi-chan!!!" yells Ragen, "Tell them about that new thing we found. Oh, and this!"

Then,Ragen put the alien in Mars's hands, and hell happened. Kumi-chan, undoubtably interrupted many times by the annoyingsome Ragen, got fed up and smacked the alien, in which it exploded and fumes went everywhere. Hacking, the fire alarm went off, and Kumi-chan and Ragen were in the hall now, soaked from the sprinklers. Kumi-chan was obviously furious. Before Ragen escaped, Mars grabbed her to prevent further intrusions, and said some things to her. Kumi-chan was ready to explode by then by what she had to say.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 3:32 am 
Fused Hybrid
Fused Hybrid

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Mars, beyond PO'ed by now (you would be too if you had an alien blow up in your face), grabbed Ragen by the collar and dragged her inside. Ignoring Kumi-chan, she shut the door and turned her attention to Ragen.

"Listen here," she said sternly. "The landlady is getting on my case about all the noise as it is. If you want to come here that's fine. However, A, you ask me ahead of time. B, knock on the door and wait for me to answer. C, stop banging things all over the place. And D, no more aliens inside the complex. Are we clear?"

She waited for Ragen to nod before letting go of her collar. "Good! Now you might want to try and calm Kumi-chan down."

"My Mom stole my boyfriend!"
"Your boyfriend stole my wife! Let's get back at them by dating each other! Wait a second. Daddy didn't think that one through."

Crystalline Academy -- Personal website.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 8:19 pm 
Fused Hybrid
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Ragen is stupid enough to go on, "I think you guys are also a little jealous I'm a Fighter. Humph! My alien's dead too. I was going to name him and everything! C'mon Kumi-chan, you didn't have to do that...oh, I picked up some news over by some office buildings! This really is important! Some police officer said they were going to close down this place, and that there was a plot against it! I'm glad I live somewhere else, becuase either way this place is pretty crappy!"

Mars held up a fist to Ragen, meanwhile the door broke a hinge and Mars was ready to kill, not to mention Kumi-chan almost ready to leave when...DING! The coffee was done! "Now, Kumi-chan, let's talk," says Mars, still furious at the door payment. -_- Ragen casually strolls into the kitchen, unnoticed. About to speak, they are interrupted by Ragen again. "Is the coffee supposed to be almost completely black like this? I thought you liked light." Mars sifts through his hair with his hands and checks the ruined coffee, which is unexplainable since it was store-bought.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 2:13 am 
Master Catcher
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*knocks on door* CCMars? I came to visit cause I had a day off from work. But I heard strange noises when I was walking up the stairs. Is everything Ok?

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:13 pm 

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What happened? I was too busy with some new paperwork from the council board. The darn pruns wants us to pay a higher tax because of the new equipment for the alien party...

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PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 12:17 am 
Fused Borg
Fused Borg
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"You guys better get this all cleaned up before the landlady gets back," said Amazon.
She handed them each a broom and a dustpan.
"Don't worry, I'll help. Are you all in the party too?"

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PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 12:32 am 

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Naturally! The job is hard though, ever since that event occured awhile back...

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PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 8:58 pm 
Fused Hybrid
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HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII AMAZON!!!!! Do you like aliens too?! Oh, I forgot, I found...

*Mars is about to slap ragen when the landlady walks in*



Do you people need a psychiatrist? Keep it down!

Well, that's a relief! She didn't notice the...


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PostPosted: Wed May 03, 2006 3:07 am 
Fused Borg
Fused Borg
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"I LOVE ALIENS!" replied Amazon. "Especially the Yellow Knives, because I'm fused with one. Just please don't bring in anymore that could explode in here, or we'll have to move again. Why don't you get a nice pet alien Desmon instead? They're not that dangerous and they're kind of cute. Oh yes, Kumi-Chan what was the event that happened a while back?"

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PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2006 9:49 pm 

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Location: Elementary School 9 was this whole commotion when the fourth graders fused with Yellow Knife back when I was in the Alien Party in this school...we chased them to the Yellow Knife planet and had to fight the Yellow Knife and the Black Knife. That's also where I met you, a good friend...brings back good memories my friend ^^

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PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2006 1:39 am 
Fused Borg
Fused Borg
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"Oh, now I remember. That was really crazy, wasn't it?"

"I heard that another spaceship landed near a high school. If you guys are all Alien Fighters, than we should check it out."

*Suddenly Mar's phone rings.*

"Hey, the phone is ringing. Ragen or Kumi-Chan, could you get it for me?"

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