Thanks ragen45... I don't remember an Extras page being there last time I looked! Or am I being forgetful..... *salvages extras for site*
As to the topic... I did make a couple of icons that are in the Downloads section and of course there is the Wallpapers section on the site too. And the screensaver that I salvaged from the old official Alien 9 site. Beyond that I can't reccomend anything.
I've forgotten how to do icons and an animation that follows your pointer on your desktop sounds too complex for me
I also don't know how to do loading / shutdown screens....
The sounds part might be easy if theres a place in windows you can just replace with.
But really someone would have to look into desktop theme creation.... =\ I'm sure there is software that helps you create a theme though.
I was thinking of doing a screensaver some day because I think it might be possible to do this with Macromedia Flash but I haven't looked into it yet. And I honestly and truly am buried under piles of work
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