I just happened to be soaring through the internet looking for anymore 'interesting' AlienNine artefacts. After about an hour of searching, I just managed to find a few of them. Some are really interesting, others are worthing laughing at (if you're evil enough). Here they are...
Japanese AlienNine fansite
This is just another AlienNine fansite I found. It has a gallery of the owner's drawings of AlienNine. I must admit, Yuri do really look weird with her long plaited hair. But the works are really admirable.
There are some neat stuff here. The artist did a fantastic job with their drawings.
AlienNine Pictures
The second picture looks as though Yuri had been chucked out from the school roof. Either that or she was trying to do something like 'Look mom! I'm flying!'.
The second one looks like it could be an official trading card. I can't figure out what's going on there either.
AlienNine Wallpaper
The girls look as though they had been drained of their blood, but then again, it still look wonderful. =D
I like this one. The glow around the girls is a nice touch.
AlienNine Cosplay
It took me sometime to stop laughing to actually copy the url for this picture. Not sure if it would appear funny to you... *giggles*
MAN-KUMI! I got a few giggles from this one actually, mostly because he looks a lot better than Man-Faye (if you don't know who that is...well, let's just say you don't want to know).

"My Mom stole my boyfriend!"
"Your boyfriend stole my wife! Let's get back at them by dating each other! Wait a second. Daddy didn't think that one through."
Crystalline Academy -- Personal website.
My DeviantArt Gallery