Unfortunately the function where the forum Announcement posts would post to the main website homepage was lost when upgrading the forum to be rid of the spambots.
These were the two phpBB mods I was using to make forum announcements and latest forum posts (like roleplay activity) show on the homepage which don't work with the new version of the forum that prevents spam better:
"phpBB Latest Topic Displayer" for recent forum posts.
"Topics Anywhere" for announcements.
If you know of addons like these for phpBB 3.0.9 or newer please let me know. Then perhaps I could you make you able to post News to the homepage if you would have the time that is to find Alien 9 related news and activity in the world (there is an option on Google search to make a "Google Alert" sent to your email whenever something Alien 9 related is posted to the internet). Sadly I don't have as much time as I used to so I won't be able to do it myself.
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