Thanks big, drawing remarkable.
Thank you so much!
I actually did two more Alien Nine drawings that I've put on my devianart page
One is another drawing of Kumi, and the other is one of Miyu.
Here's the link to my account:
And just to make it easier on you, here are the links to those specific drawings:
Kumi (this is the one you've seen):
This one is the other drawing of Kumi I mentioned (it was a Halloween contest) :
http://benjaminpenny.deviantart.com/art ... -140430769
Here is my drawing of Miyu as a catgirl (also for a Halloween contest)
http://benjaminpenny.deviantart.com/art ... -141947593
Hope you like those! Also, whether you especially like to draw or not, there's an Alien Nine fan club you can join on deviantart!
If you do like to draw, that's great!
(but not a requirement to join ;) ) There are monthly contests for fan-fics as well as for drawings, but whether you want to participate in those is totally up to you.
The Alien Nine fan club is right here, and it's owned maintained by our very own KumiXyuri! (see other posts above) If you want to join, just say so
And welcome to the forums! I'm so glad you're here!
Feel free to introduce yourself here if you'd like to:
See you later