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 Post subject: Introduce yourself here
PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 12:26 pm 
Alien Party Moderator
Alien Party Moderator

Joined: Mon Mar 21, 2005 9:24 am
Posts: 171
Hmm... the idea of an AlienNine forum got off rather well. After much talking with Sai, the forum finally got kicked into action. *pops champagne* Obviously, the need to get to know each and everyone one in this forum is extremely important. =D So if everyone is kind enough to join in, please introduce yourself in the forum, and perhaps say what you like and think about AlienNine and how you get to know about AlienNine the first place (or say anything llooooonnnnggg, but still relevant to AlienNine and such.)

Ok, my name is Zhou Jinshen. My blood type is AB, and my hobby is... wait, I not shoving an alien Gladius on my head. I'm from Singapore. Not sure where Singapore is? We're the smallest country in South-East Asia, just right below Malaysia. =D The AlienNine anime first caught my attention when I saw the advertisement for the anime on TV. I really don't know what really got me to watch the anime, but I can kinda remember thinking of the characters as cute. Unfortuantely, by the time I saw the advertisement, the third episode was already being shown, and I actually missed it. But I was like 'never mind, there's still next week', and by then, I was totally engrossed in the 4th episode. Because I didn't catch the previous 3 episodes, I had no idea what was going on, so I though (and assumed) that aliens are invading earth and the borgs are the bad-guys-become-good-ones type of aliens. The last thing I remember seeing of the 4th episode are Yuri and Kumi stading outside the school, with Kumi talking on the phone with her mom before the two of them burst into tears. I was like 'Huh? Wimpy girls...' (hey! I was still a newbie on AlienNine then.). Luckily, I switched off the TV the moment the credits started rolling and the music started playing, so I did not see Kumi dead, which was a good thing, as I would literally kill myself if I did. But by the end of the anime, I was dying to watch the next episode. So imagine my disappointment when I found another anime being shown the week after, while I was expecting the AlienNine anime.

I didn't really intended to buy the AlienNine manga. In fact, I bought the AlienNine mangas by accident, in a way. While roaming at a bookstore that specialises in mangas, I bumped into the AlienNine mangas, while I was actually looking for the Chobits manga (which I found later, but seriously got turned off by the price tag). The prices for Book 1,2 and 3 really freaked me out! So instead, I just did with the AlienNine: Emulators book. Big mistake. After reading it, I only got more confused. Why did Kumi's hand sprouted drills, and why did Kasumi's hair become of an antenna shape, with resemblance to the antennas poking out of the Yellow Knife's back? Why did Kumi tried fusing with Yuri in the Yellow Knife's tummy (and until now, I really still don't get why)? And why the heck is Monani's hair flying about in the air around her (I don't know borgs are capable of fusing with their host at that time)? So in the end, I returned to the bookstore and bought the first three books at a whooping price of US$54.74. But at least, after reading the books, they answered some of the questions I had after reading the emulators book.

The next problem was, after reading the first 3 books, they gave me even more questions. But at least that explains why the FAQ section on the AlienNine fansite is rather crowded. Most of them came from me. XD

I'll have to say AlienNine is a really cute manga. The storyline is really appealing, and sometimes, thoughts-provoking. While in the beginning, if you look at the cover of the first book, you might quite expect the comic to be more of a comedy of some sort. After flipping through the book, you'll soon realise you cannot judge a book by its cover. AlienNine is one manga with bright and dark sides of children mixed together. Also, the characters look extremely cute, so cute that I was laughing my head off when I first saw the anime on TV. The characters's ears are unproportional to their head, their noses are barely visible at any angle, and their heads seem to be created by someone who has a vague idea of the shape of a human face. In fact, the characters' blob-like faces seems to be the work of a child fiddling with PlayDoh. While flipping through the first book, I found it to be quite light-hearted. Nothing unusual, except that the protagonist, Yuri Otani, looks as though she had graduated from Oxford University with a diploma in crying and whimping. Then begins the dark side of the world. Boys against girls. The scene where the 3 boys attacked Yuri deeply aggravated me, especially since she was practically unable to defend herself (stupid Megumi... *snarl*). Seeing Yuri cry made me felt worse, and by then, I kinda felt for her, and became rather protective of her. Reading the 2nd book didn't improve things, seeing Kasumi joining the ranks of the Yellow Knife and seeing Kumi dead in the library. Now you should realise why there's the 'suitable for 13+' rating for readers. AlienNine is one heck of a disturbing story, emotionally and psychologically. What made me really hate book 2 was seeing how the aliens attack the girls, one by one, disrupting their lives forever, and perhaps putting the 3 girl's relationship and their love and trust in one another to the test. Till now, I still could not get over the scene where Kumi died. Now she isn't a human anymore... *sob* Book 3 is much better, though the books mainly focuses on the alien Sunflower's attack on Yuri. Fianlly, Yuri is put to the ultimate test, where she chooses over the alien and her friends. The Sunflower clan did a nice job in the beginning, until Yuri's borg came to the rescue (how sweet!). And finally, we get to see the possible relationship between Yuri and Kumi, and it isn't just the kind of friend-friend relationship. *gasp* The story for AlienNine starts with a nice introduction, then when it's done, WHAM! It's problem after problem, situation after situation, danger after danger. Hitoshi Tomizawa pratically directed all the 'exciting' stuff en masse.

I cannot really say the same for the anime though. Although it was really impressive of Taro Maki to take up the project of creating the anime version of AlienNine, WHY IN HEAVEN'S NAME MUST HE END THE ANIME AT THE WORST PART OF THE MANGA? Till now, it's still debate-able whether the anime was only meant to be a teaser, to invite us to continue the series by reading the manga, or seriously, Taro Maki (as claimed by some) really met up with financial problems that obstructed him in the continuation of the anime. But the more I watch the AlienNine DVD, the more I begin to see... that the ending of the anime was actually intentional. I cannot explain here. Sai Soudou will kill me for making an extremely long post. XD PM me and I'll explain.

Now... who's next to introduce himself/herself?

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 11:56 am 
New Student
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Hiya! ^^ I'm Keriana Williams, as known online. Let's see.. I got into Alien Nine when.. I saw the add for it in my Anime Insiders magazine, actually. The ad intrigued me, so when I had money to spare and saw it at the local anime shop, I bought it. Brought it home and made my anime hating friend watch it with me. Amusingly, she actually likes Fruits Basket and Wolf's Rain.. but that's another and irrelevant story. Anyway, we were watching it, and.. I was not impressed. Actually, I believe that, more than a few times, I stated that I needed to go find my receipt so I could get my money back. I loathed the ending theme, and so when the show ended, I skipped over the ending.

Awhile later, I watched it again.. and started looking for answers on the net. One site spoke of Kumi's death. I was like.. wha? What death? Whaddid I miss? Eventually, I rewatched the series, and fell in love with the ending theme.. and that's when I saw Kumi's death scene.

The anime now disturbs me greatly, because it's bloody deep, but you don't notice it with all the mindboggling things going on. It's a weiiiird series.

I've yet to buy the manga, however, as when I saw it in the stores, it was 6 bucks more expensive than all the other manga.

Anyway, that's my story. ^^ Woo.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 7:30 pm 
Borg Wearer
Borg Wearer

Joined: Sat Apr 02, 2005 7:07 pm
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^^ 'llo, i'm Chi, I was born in a small town in Missouri, my birthday's May 10.. and I probably literally stay online about 90% of the time. BUT ENOUGH ABOUT ME.

I discovered the series back in.. Urrr.. '03, maybe? I had just purchased a Newtype Magazine and there was an Ad for Alien 9 on the back of it. There was also a review for the manga inside, and I noticed it had a "16+" rating, which surprised me, because it looked like a perfectly okay shoujo manga.

So next time I went back to the bookstore, I got Vol. 2 of the manga (Vol. 1 and 3 wasn't there, in fact, they were taking the series off the shelves at the time) and read and noticed that, no, this wasn't just some ordinary shoujo manga. It was like nothing I had ever seen before. And even though I was very confused by all the terms (It WAS Vol. 2 after all >> I didn't know what happened in Vol. 1.) I was still a fan. I started to go to all these sites and stuff to help explain to me more about this series.

Because the series was taken off most shelves where I live in 2004, I couldn't find anything Alien 9 anywhere. All I had was my little vol. 2 book. I eventually got the rest of the manga series + Emulators on Christmas '04 (!) and I got the anime DVD a little before that. So now I actually have everything, heh.

My favorite character? Kumi, most definitely. I'm not sure if I can explain why I like the girl so much, but I do. o_O And.. She looks really cute with Yuri. Ahaha, yes I am a fan of shoujo-ai, sorry if that's not your thing. .__. I even made a fanlisting to the coupling, which i'm not gonna plug here. XD

And there you are. Yeah, that's me. :x

 Post subject: You're Kupo
PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 9:02 pm 
Borg Wearer
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Hi. I’m Becky/Riki/Kupo
I’m from Southern California! I’m 18. Majoring in Telcom. I love California... But that’s off topic.
I first heard of Alien 9 in reference to the shoujo ai. The art work really intrigued me, being a fan of innovative animation I was happy to see something that didn’t resemble clamp, or the other famous anime. I like Clamp quite a bit, but I’m tired of anime artists copying their style.
Well anyway, the style of Alien 9 was one of a kind, and the animation was pretty impressive. Then the story, oh man it was weird. The manga was such a shock, but in a refreshing way, like the shock of jumping into a cold pool on a hot summer day. ^-^
What language do people in Singapore speak?
Chikori I love shoujo-ai! ^0^ Send me the link to your fan listing via PM or e-mail. =)
I considered cosplaying Kumi for AX this year, but a friend and I are going as Garnette and Zidian. Those costumes are gonna break my wallet. T0T Oh well.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 5:13 am 
Alien Party Moderator
Alien Party Moderator

Joined: Mon Mar 21, 2005 9:24 am
Posts: 171
Ahh... on the behalf of Sai Soudou, welcome to the AlienNine forum. I really hope you can enjoy yourself here in this community and perhaps get a few burning questions about AlienNine you might have answered.

For those who roamed the website and bumped into this forum first, there is the unofficial AlienNine website which can be found here. Now, for those for are unaware of the AlienNine Fansite on the previously mentioned website, you can access it here. And for those who are really interested in the possible Yuri-like-Kumi-and-vice-versa thingy, there's a fansite for that too, and it can be found here. The fansites mentioned above are accessible from the crossrealms website itself too.

Singapore is a multi-racial country, were 4 races kinda live together. We've the Chinese (tt's my race), Malays, Indians and the Caucasians. So Singaporeans speak english, chinese, malay and hindi. We really live together in harmony. XD[/code]

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 11:09 am 
Alien Catcher
Alien Catcher

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Aloha from Germany,

I'm Dragon2911 and I'm an 18 years old student from Germany.
Like Jinshen I crushed into the manga as I found it at my comic dealer and I just bought it. Right now I'm also interested in making music and also listen to music. Nothing more to say about myself for now.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 10:11 pm 
Alien Party Admin
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Just wanted to say welcome everyone and thanks for joining :cheer:
Good to see many people and from all over the world who had fun watching this series. It's really interesting reading all your stories of how you found the series. I guess mine is already on the main website under the Site section (the "Why" bit) so I won't ramble here XD
Anyway I hope you have fun here and find it useful. Anyone is welcome to make new topics about anything you'd like, I'm sure we'd all appreciate anything brought up and have something to say.

Garnet and Zidane, Final Fantasy 9? Cool characters to cosplay. Best of luck with the costumes.
Alien 9 is so much cheaper to cosplay yes XD Except for the hats ._.

- -- --- Alien 9 / Alien Nine Unofficial Website - Since November 2003 --- -- -

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 3:01 am 
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Ahoy hoy. I'm Generic Badass on the fanlisting, but I go by Lebensengel now. Posting here makes me question my masculinity, but dammit, I like Alien Nine that much.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 4:35 am 
Borg Wearer
Borg Wearer

Joined: Sat Apr 02, 2005 7:07 pm
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Alien 9 is so much cheaper to cosplay yes XD Except for the hats ._.
Haha. XD I was hoping to cosplay Kumi one day, but recently I dyed my hair a much darker red.. so that wouldn't work out. .__.

So, welcome to everyone here. :D

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 10:24 am 
Alien Party Admin
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Haha. XD I was hoping to cosplay Kumi one day, but recently I dyed my hair a much darker red.. so that wouldn't work out. .__.
Hehe you could kind of cosplay as Miyu maybe? XD In her casual clothes or uniform... Or even make up an Alien Fighter Miyu! o_o;
Well anyway, have fun cosplaying ^^

- -- --- Alien 9 / Alien Nine Unofficial Website - Since November 2003 --- -- -

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 12:18 pm 
Alien Party Moderator
Alien Party Moderator

Joined: Mon Mar 21, 2005 9:24 am
Posts: 171
Haha. XD I was hoping to cosplay Kumi one day, but recently I dyed my hair a much darker red.. so that wouldn't work out. .__.
Hehe you could kind of cosplay as Miyu maybe? XD In her casual clothes or uniform... Or even make up an Alien Fighter Miyu! o_o;
Well anyway, have fun cosplaying ^^
First, a big welcome to Lebensengel for joining the AlienNine forum. That goes for other people too. =D

I never tried cosplay before, since I never took the time to find or make the costumes. And since I am a boy, whom can I dress up as in AlienNine? *suggest dressing as a borg* If you do some AlienNine-cosplay, mind sending us a photo of you so we can admire it? XD

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 4:58 pm 
Alien Catcher
Alien Catcher

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Haha. XD I was hoping to cosplay Kumi one day, but recently I dyed my hair a much darker red.. so that wouldn't work out. .__.
Hehe you could kind of cosplay as Miyu maybe? XD In her casual clothes or uniform... Or even make up an Alien Fighter Miyu! o_o;
Well anyway, have fun cosplaying ^^
First, a big welcome to Lebensengel for joining the AlienNine forum. That goes for other people too. =D

I never tried cosplay before, since I never took the time to find or make the costumes. And since I am a boy, whom can I dress up as in AlienNine? *suggest dressing as a borg* If you do some AlienNine-cosplay, mind sending us a photo of you so we can admire it? XD

Uh, now I'm scared, dude. I just thought the same (you know, the borg-thing), but actually I prefer dressing up like a yellow-knife (cause I'm fat and lazy^^).

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 7:34 pm 
Borg Wearer
Borg Wearer

Joined: Sat Apr 02, 2005 7:07 pm
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Haha. XD I was hoping to cosplay Kumi one day, but recently I dyed my hair a much darker red.. so that wouldn't work out. .__.
Hehe you could kind of cosplay as Miyu maybe? XD In her casual clothes or uniform... Or even make up an Alien Fighter Miyu! o_o;
Well anyway, have fun cosplaying ^^
Alien Fighter Miyu... That sounds like an art idea XD

I just need to find a convention that's anywhere close to here. :/

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 9:59 pm 
Fused Hybrid
Fused Hybrid

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Hello! My name is CCMars, which is short for Cardcaptor Mars. I live in Washington state and I'm 20 years old. My hobbies are writing, drawing, web design, and watching weird and/or horrible B-movies. Nice to meet you all! ^^

I discovered Alien 9...I think sometime before it was licensed here in the US. I first noticed it in my Animerica magazine, but I never truely got into it until I read Katherine Williams' essay on the show. Not only did it help me understand the series a lot better when I watched it, but it also heightened my enjoyment of it. Now it's one of my all-time favorite series, in both manga and anime formats. It's one of the most interesting series I have ever come across in a while, and I'm glad I decided to try it out.

"My Mom stole my boyfriend!"
"Your boyfriend stole my wife! Let's get back at them by dating each other! Wait a second. Daddy didn't think that one through."

Crystalline Academy -- Personal website.
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:07 pm 
Alien Party Admin
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Welcome CCMars :cheer:
I dropped by your website, nice work ^^ Keep up the lovely drawings too, I like the Easter one best. Maybe we'll get to see some Alien 9 art from you sometime in the future? XD
Have fun ^^

- -- --- Alien 9 / Alien Nine Unofficial Website - Since November 2003 --- -- -

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